rectal bleeding causes

When Should You Consult a Doctor for Rectal Bleeding?

Finding blood in your stool can certainly be a frightening sight. After all, rectal bleeding is a symptom of many health problems. Some require prompt medical attention, while others can be treated at home. 

In any case, it is better to stay safe and consult your healthcare provider when you have rectal bleeding. Let us look at the possible conditions and how they can be treated. 

First: Why Should You Consult Your Doctor?

Since rectal bleeding can indicate severe health conditions, your physician can perform several tests to find the cause and prescribe appropriate treatments. They can also refer you to a specialist if your other symptoms call for one. 

Picture this scenario: suppose you have symptoms of colorectal cancer besides rectal bleeding. A family doctor may recommend an oncologist to have you tested. The earlier the diagnosis, the better your chances of the cancer being removed through rectal cancer surgery and other treatments. 

Routine check-up appointments with your physician are also important to stop rectal bleeding. It lets them monitor your progress and change the treatment plan when needed. 

Common Conditions That Cause Rectal Bleeding

Here are several health issues that could be behind your rectal bleeding: 

Colorectal Cancer 

Cancer in your colon or rectum can irritate and inflame these organs, resulting in blood coming out with your stool. It is more treatable through rectal cancer surgery and non-surgical therapies if detected early. 

Colon Polyps

These are growths that can appear in your intestinal linings and make them bleed. A doctor can remove these via colonoscopies. While typically benign, they can sometimes grow cancerous later on. 


Ulcers found further down your intestines can cause blood to appear with your stool when they bleed. Surgery is often recommended when medications do not work. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

This illness causes chronic inflammation in your digestive tract. While it typically manifests symptoms like diarrhoea and stomach pain, severe cases also lead to bleeding. 

Anal Fissures

An anal fissure is when your anal canal lining has a tear. This happens when you frequently strain when passing stool. You may find fresh blood on your waste and sharp pain while toileting. Fissures typically heal on their own, but do speak to your doctor if they do not go away after several weeks.


These swollen veins are usually the main culprit behind rectal bleeding. Like anal fissures, they can occur when you always strain your anus and lower rectum. They are generally not serious conditions, though prolapsed haemorrhoids may need piles surgery

Ways to Treat Rectal Bleeding

The treatments needed to stop rectal bleeding depend on the condition causing it. Your physician can create a plan to deal with the underlying cause. 

Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

Healthy habits play vital parts in managing rectal bleeding. For instance, drinking more fluids and having a fibre-rich diet helps stool pass smoothly so you do not strain yourself. Avoiding vices such as drinking and smoking reduces your risk of colorectal cancer.

Your doctor may also recommend home remedies for certain issues. One such example would be taking sitz baths to soothe your haemorrhoids or fissures. 


Prescription medications can also help treat conditions such as ulcers and inflammatory bowel disease. These include anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. The physician may also have you take laxatives to help pass hard stools or anti-diarrhoea drugs to relieve diarrhoea. 


Surgical procedures are typically the last resort when medication does not work. These include piles surgeries and ulcer surgeries. 

But this is not the case for colorectal cancer. Rectal cancer surgery is usually the first option for removing malignant tumours at early stages. Surgery is also used for removing polyps. 

Intervention is Important to Stopping Rectal Bleeding

Rectal bleeding is worrisome to have when you do not know why it happens. But you need not be afraid–consult a medical provider to find and treat the main condition. There are many healthcare specialists here in Singapore ready to assist you. 

The earlier you discover the cause, the sooner you can put this stressful symptom to an end. 


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